
How to uninstall avast antivirus
How to uninstall avast antivirus

how to uninstall avast antivirus

Right-click on that folder and select Delete. Type %appdata% in the Windows Search bar. To completely remove Avast, make sure there are no antivirus files left behind. How do I completely remove Avast leftovers? Ensure that Apps & features is selected in the left panel, then click Avast Free Antivirus, and select Uninstall. Uninstall via the Windows Start menu Right-click the Windows Start button and select Apps and Features from the menu that appears. How do I completely remove Avast from my computer? If you installed Avast in a different folder than the default, browse for it. In this case, you can use our uninstallation utility avastclear. Sometimes it’s not possible to uninstall Avast the standard way – using the ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS in control panel. How do I force Avast Antivirus to Uninstall? Choose the antivirus program you want to remove, and then select Uninstall/Change. Select Programs and Features (in the Programs category). How do I uninstall antivirus on Windows 10?įrom the Start menu, select the Control Panel. In our tests, we still found some leftover junk so search for Avast in File Explorer if you want to get everything. While uninstalling Avast from Safe Mode might do the trick, running AvastClear is still recommended because of the number of files, folders, and registry entries left behind. Why is Avast still on computer after uninstall? How do I completely remove Avast Antivirus from Windows 10?įor Windows 10 Open your start menu and choose “Settings”, then click “System” and afterward click ∺pps & Features” on the left-hand side menu. Which antivirus is best for Windows 10?.How do I uninstall Avast without password?.How do I completely remove K7 Antivirus?.How do I completely remove Avast leftovers?.How do I completely remove Avast from my computer?.How do I force Avast Antivirus to Uninstall?.How do I uninstall antivirus on Windows 10?.Why is Avast still on computer after uninstall?.How do I completely remove Avast Antivirus from Windows 10?.

How to uninstall avast antivirus